Judy and I are at it again. We love to challange each other. Tonight's challenge was simply to use page 52 in the wishes book. As I was gathering my materials I passed over the Aspen paper pack and thought about my newly purchased Dementional Elements Snowflakes. I just had to use this paper pack. I am quite happy with the outcome.
The recipe is as follows. 5X7 card base. Aspen B&T 4.5 X 5 and 2.5 X 5. There is a 1X5 piece of outdoor denim card stock. The circle is a outdoor denim 3" circle with some Aspen B&T cut to 2.5" inside. The outdoor denim for the letter area is 2 3/4 X 6 1/4 the twilight is 2 1/2 X 6. The snowflake is a dementinal element that was embossed in white then glitter placed over the white and embossed again. The snowflake brad is from a craft store. The ribbon is also from a craft store. The stamp set used is Card Chatter - Christmas. I used outdoor denim ink. I actually distressed using white daisy ink.
Check out Judy's Card scrampalot.blogspot.com